NeuroRights in Chile

In the face of neurotechnology advances, Chile passes a Neurorights law and constitutional amendment.

The Neurorights Foundation has worked with the Senate of the Republic of Chile, the Minister of Science and the Catholic University (Pontificia Universidad Católica: PUC) to pioneer a NeuroProtection agenda. These efforts have been coordinated by the Commission of the Future of the Senate, an office led by Senator Guido Girardi. The objective of this commission is to introduce legislation arising from advances in medicine and science.


Oct 25th, 2021

Historic moment for NeuroRights! A constitutional amendment in Chile protects brain activity and information. Unanimous approval by all deputies in both chambers. Congratulations to Chile!

Sept 29th, 2021

Chilean lawmakers on Wednesday (Sept 29) approved a law establishing the rights to personal identity, free will and mental privacy, becoming the first country in the world to legislate on neurotechnology that can manipulate one's mind.

Sept 22nd, 2021

Historic moment! brain data is now protected under the Chilean Constitution.

April 21st, 2021

Chilean Senate approves unanimously constitutional reform protecting brain activity and information and sends it to the Chamber of Deputies.

Dec 16th, 2020

The Senate unanimously approved an initiative that recognizes mental data as neuro-rights and gives them human rights quality. The bill seeks to safeguard mental integrity in the face of neurotechnologies, which could potentially manipulate human brains in harmful ways.

Oct 7th, 2020

The Chilean Congress, with the support of Dr. Rafael Yuste and others from the Morningside Group, presented an amendment to the Constitution and a Bill of Rights, which received bipartisan support, to address the risk of neurotechnology and protect the mind.


Dr. Rafael Yuste - Chair of the Neurorights Foundation and director of Columbia University’s Neurotechnology Center

Senator Adriana Munoz - President of the Senate of Chile

Miguel Angel Moratinos - Represents the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC

Dr. Cecilia Hidalgo - President of the Chilean Academy of Sciences

Carme Artigas - Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, Government of Spain

Deputy Gabriela Cuevas - President of the International Parliamentary Union

Dr Ignacio Sanchez - President of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Dr Ennio Vivaldi - Rector of the University of Chile

Senator Guido Girardi

Dr. Dario Gil - Senior Vice President and Director of IBM Research

A new opinion piece by Allan McCay

Neurorights: the Chilean constitutional change