The Neurorights Foundation

New Human Rights for the Age of Neurotechnology

Promoting innovation, protecting human rights, and ensuring the ethical development of neurotechnology.

The Challenge: Advances in Neurotechnology Have Far Outpaced Global, National, and Corporate Governance

Any technology that records or interferes with brain activity is defined as Neurotechnology. Neurotechnology, especially brain-computer interfaces, has the potential to foundationally alter society. In the coming years, it will be possible to decode thought from neural activity or enhance cognitive ability by linking the brain directly to digital networks. Such innovations could challenge the very notion of what it means to be human.

The Neurorights Foundation works on this issue at four levels:

  • Neurotechnology raises fundamental human rights challenges that were never envisioned by today’s international human rights treaties. Instead, today’s era calls for a novel protection framework: NeuroRights

  • Governments need to develop and adopt a new legal and regulatory framework to govern the development and use of neurotechnology that will provide protection against the misuse of neurotechnology.

  • It is essential to develop a new ethical code in collaboration with companies, entrepreneurs, scientists, and investors that can set the standard for self-governance and accountability.

  • It is important that wide efforts be undertaken to highlight the exciting current and forthcoming developments in neurotechnology and explain how such technology might be misused or abused.